Welcome to the Acupuncture Translator

Our mission is to educate and empower anyone interested in improving their own health and understanding Chinese Medicine in scientific and relatable terms. We are especially for you if you have "heard of acupuncture" but didn't really know where to go from there. Many people, clinicians and other medical providers included, don't know much about Chinese Medicine, let alone how it can help them and their patients. With a master's degree and over a decade in the field, Sarah Langthorne is bilingual in Eastern and Western theory. While communicating with patients and doctors, she realized that one of the biggest issues with Chinese Medicine is that often people don't understand what it is...and few acupuncturists could adequately explain it. 

As the Acupuncture Translator, she is a practitioner and clinician, writer and teacher. It's her continuing passion to de-mystify Chinese Medicine and show people from all backgrounds, professions, and stages of their healing how to take the best care of themselves and live in balance with their environment.

Sarah Langthorne, L.Ac, MSTCM

Licensed Acupuncturist, Board-Certified Herbalist, The Acupuncture Translator

What is Chinese Medicine

Chinese Medicine consists of acupuncture, herbal medicine, nutritional counseling, bodywork, breathwork practice, feng shui, movement therapies, and more. It is a complete system of medicine which addresses the mind, body, emotional and spiritual health to treat each person as a whole being. It takes all aspects of being a human being into account and offers lifestyle, dietary, exercise and breathwork recommendations, balancing all aspects of your health and wellbeing.

Schedule your appointment with us to find out what Chinese Medicine can do for you.


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© Sarah Langthorne LLC | Last published 11/15/23